I love Etsy not only as a format for selling my children's clothing, but for buying. I'm sure I spend at least half what I make, but you can get some of the best and most original gifts.
I thought it might be fun to show you what I've found lately. Mostly what I bought, but a couple of 'wish list' things, too.
This cute little bag is from 52Freckles. http://www.etsy.com/shop/52freckles Here's an example of the best of Etsy, not only for the fun design, but for the story. My brother and sister-in-law were in a bad car accident while travelling, and ended up in a hospital in Boise, Idaho. Through the 'Buy Local' section on Etsy, I was able to find sellers in Boise. I contacted two of them (see the other below), and both were willing to deliver to the hospital. How cool is that?!!
The journal is from Bookish Girl J http://www.etsy.com/shop/BookishGirlJ, who asked if I wanted to have her include a card as well. (Why didn't I think of that?) Thanks!
Okay, this one is a little different from what I really bought, but Emmi's Cottage http://www.etsy.com/shop/emmiscottageetsy, makes the most adorable pillows and animals EVER. The pillow I bought was for my nephew, and had an ivory ground with blues and sage green fabrics - too cute!
How funny is this card? I don't know if I could ever give this to anyone besides my husband, but I'm tempted to get two dozen and give them for the next three years. Happy Anniversary, honey! From The Big Harumph. http://www.etsy.com/shop/thebigharumph
On a slightly nicer anniversary note, here's a USB drive that I really hope he likes. So hard to buy for, my hubby. He'll either love it or hate it - no in between - but I think it's pretty cool, and the traditional gift for the seventh year (no, it's not a back-scratcher for the itch) is copper. This one, in addition to all the tech-y features, has three gears that all move inconjuction when you're using the drive, and lights up with a subtle orange glow from within. Cerrious Design, you're so talented! http://www.etsy.com/shop/cerriousdesign
These last two are for my son's birthday - maybe. That's when I'm giving them, but with my kids, you never know who will ultimately end up with what. I had the most incredibly difficult time trying to decide which of the puppets to get. You should see the amazing collection from Stay Awake and Play. http://www.etsy.com/shop/stayawake I wanted to buy everything she had! Who knew I still have such a soft spot for cute little critters at my age?
Below are a couple things on my wish list. Some I have definite plans for buying, some are things I may not be able to get until my fledgling company is discovered by some financier who always dreamed of starting a kid's clothing business and hires me on as top designer with a really ridiculously lucrative salary. Hey, it could happen!

Hello! What a sweet post about my little etsy shop (52 freckles)! Thanks for the nice words! I hope your sister is doing well! Have a great day!