So what else is going on? Still no table. I got a call this morning saying the table was on backorder for another 5-7 weeks. My back and feet are killing me. I can't take standing and sewing at the kitchen counter that much longer. I'm thinking legs from Ikea and a piece of banded plywood should do the trick.
My husband and I sent out the link to my Etsy store last week. I had a bunch of people view the site, but no orders. I know my things are a little on the expensive side, but I had hoped for at least a couple. Three thoughts came to mind. 1) Maybe there's just not enough stuff right now. I have other items I'll be working on, but I have to finish some of this sewing before I can move on to something else. And maybe once I have additional sizes available on what is there, that might help also. 2) This is really nice stuff. I'm trying to think of a way to let people actually see and touch and feel. 3) I've got to try and come up with some marketing ideas. I'm going to try finding some other sellers with compatible things, and see if we can post links to each other's sites to help increase traffic. I think I'll also try making postcards to give out in the neighboorhood. Maybe I'll even impose on family some more, and try to get them to do the same. And lastly, I might try to host a show/party in my building if I can find anyone else who wants to show.
That's it for now. Time to go pick up the older kids from school.
I followed the link from your Etsy shop to your blog, and I think your dresses are gorgeous! I absolutely would have purchased something if I had found the right size. My daughter is due in May, so I would be looking for 0-3 month items. I'll definitely be back when she's older!