I already knew that if I factored in the salary I had been making when I was working for the doll company, the clothing wouldn't be affordable for anyone. (Well, maybe some - but I'm talking about most.) So I decided to just price it at a point where it might sell, and I might be able to make a buck, and pretty much disregard my time. I still wasn't expecting this time-crunching monster of a jacket, though.
Here came lesson number, ummm..... 374? Don't design your things, make the patterns, buy the fabrics, then think about cost. Here's the little demon I'm talking about.

I decided to make four of these in each size (12 & 18 months, 2, 3, & 4T). Twenty jackets in all. I've only finished four so far. Maybe I'll have these done by the end of the month. We'll see. Still, there has to be something interesting in the design - otherwise, what's the point? Anyone can find a plain denim jacket out there - and for a lot less than what mine costs. The next jacket (or dress, or shirt) I design, though, will definitely have more consideration for time factored in!
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