Girl's Fiesta Skirt - Dressed up for fall!
Take a look at my shop, at then come back to the blog and leave a comment for this post. In your comment, please tell me which is your favorite item from each category (or you can tell me what you'd like to see added to a category), and leave your name and location (in case several names are the same). It can be a screen name, too. On September 30th, we'll print out the names of everyone who commented, and choose winners by the tried-but-true hat method. You'll need to check back on October 1st to see if you've won. If you have, you can contact me through Etsy conversations to give me your mailing info.
There are no catches, I'm not asking for email or snail mail addresses, and anyone can participate, even if you don't have a kid (gift giving is good). All I ask is that you be honest and only comment one time, and that you share my store with your friends if you like what you see. Now for the prizes.
The third prize winner will receive either a boy's or girl's T-shirt, in your choice of size from 12 month to size 6. (Look for new items starting this week!) The second prize winner will receive your choice of boy's shorts or pants, or girl's skirt or jumper (assuming I'll have the jumper fabric by then - if not, I'll make a new one). The first prize winner can choose from anything in the store, with the exception of the linen dresses.
Let's have some fun!